Morocco, where home textile import is exempt from tax, imports high volume of textile which accelerates the export.
• B2B Meetings
• Buyers Delegations from Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Russia and CIS Countries.
• Free accommodation options for professional buyers in cooperation with Egypt, the Netherlands, Iraq offices and Iran, Russia, Middle East, North Africa agents.
• Morocco’s political stability, steady economic growth, a thriving port and a strategic geographic position.
• In the midst of the turmoil seen in the North Africa region, Morocco has adopted a new Constitution that empowers Parliament by enlarging the domain of lawmaking and recognizing the opposition’s status, enlarges individual and collective liberties and strengthens human rights.
• Economic growth o has averaged 4.9% in the past five years, while inflation has stayed below 2%.
• Morocco has made improvements to its infrastructure to take advantage of its proximity to Europe. Its Tanger-Med port, located less than 10 miles from Europe, is one of the busiest ports in Africa and will have an 8 million container capacity by 2017. The port is connected by rail and highway to free zones and industrial parks.